May of 2023, I moved to Oregon from California. While in California, things seemed to move quickly but then halted.

I had a month clean, got into a program, and found housing but, where I was living was not a great fit for me. I prayed and asked God to put me somewhere I can grow in my spiritual and recovery life.

In August, I was referred to Soaring Heights by my sponsor and my mentor. I met with Ms. Victoria, from there I got peace, a job, in college and completed the semester on Honor Roll, got another job, and much more. What I gained and experienced is really what is important to me. I gained a family who I can grow with in my new life, they hold you accountable.

As a team Victoria, Eric and Bri supported me and my goals, they allowed me to grow at my own pace while steering me in the right direction for me. Even when you find yourself on the short end of trouble, as irritating as consequences might be, you find the lesson in it. I never felt attacked or like I wasn’t heard.

I call Victoria my Recovery Mom; my mommy doesn’t understand that part of my life; Victoria did and was able to parent me into this new life. My mommy and I’s relationship is a lot closer than it was or even could’ve been. Not to mention my apartment.

From August to January, I accomplished that growth. I have the tools and family in recovery because of Soaring Heights. Thank you all for what you do! I love you!